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Last moment tips for cracking BITSAT

Have any doubt...I mean any doubt whatever topic -

The things to concentrate on from now on - A summary of tips I have talked till now and some other extra tips :)...Hope you like this post

1)The time you are taking for solving each problem - Never take more
than 1 minute to solve a problem...If you cannot solve a problem
within a minute just leave it and come back to that question again
when you are done .
2)In the first 2 hours attempt only those questions which you are
confident of...If you have only a vague idea about a question just
skip it and later come back after 2 hours
3)You must read all 150 questions...who knows the 150th question may
be the easiest
4)Start with English...then Chemistry....then Maths and then Physics
5)Concentrate on the areas of you weakness...find out the topics in
which you are regularly committing mistakes...Try to revise those
6)Try to read the extra topics not present in AIEEE or JEE syllabus
especially will get many memory based
questions...solving them means gaining extra marks as well as saving
time for other questions
7) If you think your target is 300 you will always end up with scores
below 300....Aim for the highest and you will reach where you are
destined to...Have a goal to solve atleast 140 questions in every mock
paper and read all 150 questions in every mock paper...This way you
will surely succeed